Venezia 1600
The Venice Municipal Administration will be promoting and coordinating initiatives related to the event and, to this end, has set up a Steering Committee, composed of leading figures and representatives from public, academic, cultural, economic and social institutions with a view to involving all subjects present in the metropolitan area.
Venezia 1600
According to a millennial tradition, March 25, 421 is commonly recognized as the date on which the City of Venice was founded, as evidenced in the manuscript of the Chronicon Altinate and, in more...
The Bells of the Patriarchate celebrate Venezia1600
On Thursday 25th March at 4.00 pm the whole Patriarchate of Venice will commemorate the...
Solemn Mass to celebrate Venezia 1600
On Thursday 25th March at 11 in St. Mark's Basilica, on the occasion of Solemnity of the Annunciation, the solemn Mass will be celebrated by the ...
1600 Venezia anniversary tribute
On Thursday 25 March at 6.30 p.m. the Rai will pay tribute to the city by broadcasting on Rai2 an evocative special...
Cinematographic listening of the Grand Canal
The evocative setting offered by the Grand Canal was framed in the very first tracking shots in the history of cinema, on 25 October 1896, with the short film under the title "Panorama...
Il discorso celebrativo per i 100 anni della dedizione di Crema alla Repubblica di Venezia (1549)
L'attore professionista Jacopo Zerbo leggerà il discorso pronunciato nel 1549 da Michele Benvenuti nel Duomo di Crema per celebrare i cento anni della dedizione della città alla Repubblica di...
Launch of the restoration of the Balbi's Arch - Entrance of the Historic centre of Rovinj
Launch of the restoration of the Balbi's Arch (entrance of the historic centre) with the lion of Saint Mark.
La valorizzazione della musica antica veneziana: una missione per Gian Francesco Malipiero
This event is in italian only.
Visit the website
The event wil be broadcast also on the Foundation's youtube...
421-1261-1571: Tra mito e storia
This event is in Italian loanguage only.
ToTeM Feltre - Torri Teatro Musei
Un percorso attraverso Feltre e il suo territorio, alla scoperta di una storia secolare saldamente intrecciata a quella della Serenissima Repubblica, cui Feltre si sottomise nel 1404. è invitato a...
Regata delle barche tradizionali con vela al terzo
Regata delle barche tradizionali con vela al terzo
Mostra fotografica Piazze (In)visibili
Nell'ambito della mostra fotografica "le Piazze (in)visibili" curata da Marco Delogu uno degli scatti piu' belli e' quello di Luca Campigotto (accompagnato dal testo di Francesco Cataluccio) che...
Il fondo di San Marco: storia di un archivio ricostruito
This event is in italian only.
The evet wil be broadcast also on the Foundation's YouTube channel:
Vedere Venezia. RItratto di una città tra medioevo e rinascimento
Vedere Venezia” è una mostra temporanea allestita entro la cornice rinascimentale del Museo del 500, in Palazzo del Podestà, una delle architetture simbolo del rapporto tra Bergamo e la...
Tre conversazioni sulla Civiltà. Bernard Henri-Levy, Riccardo Muti - Massimo Cacciari, Anatolij Vasil’ev
This event is in Italian only.
The event wil be broacast on the Theatre's digital platform - Backstage.
Sala dei Giuristi at Palazzo del Podestà (Piazza Vecchia, Bergamo)
The initiative consists of a public presentation of the volume "PanoramaMura"; a forthcoming publication by Nomos Edizioni...
Due spettacoli goldoniani: I due gemelli veneziani, Il campiello
This event is in italian only.
Tagiapiera, depentor, pennachièr e sonador… Il Bergamasco e Venezia (1428-1797)
Se dessimo retta a Tomaso Garzoni ne “La Piazza universale di tutte le professioni del mondo et nobili et ignobili” (Venezia 1586) i bergamaschi sarebbero solo facchini “semplici, e vili, e di...
Piacere, sono Cesco Baseggio
This event is in italian only.
The event will be broadcasted on the Thatre's digital platform "Backstage".
Unum, Verum et Bonum - care of the soul included in the welfare services
Venice has a unique history in terms of its widespread welfare system, which has guaranteed the city a certain social security, a satisfactory health and hygiene control and...
The Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism in Veneto: an itinerary through the MiBACT offices in Venice and the Veneto Region.
The MiBACT Regional Secretariat for the Veneto Region offers a descriptive brochure of the historical, ancient and even...
Ca' Michiel dalle Colonne, Venice: from a noble building to the headquarters of the MiBACT Regional Secretariat for Veneto
The MiBACT Regional Secretariat for Veneto proposes a theatrical video performance in historical costume created by...
EXTRAVAGANCE! or if Vivaldi had had two marimbas. A tribute to Venice; a city of a thousand musical colours.
Ponti – comunicare (con) Venezia | Brücken – (mit) Venedig kommunizieren
This event will be only in Italian and German language.
#bridginginvenice #bundeskultur #germaniainitalia
Data in nostro ducali palatio. Relations between Padua and Venice in the ducali of the Padua State Archives
Virtual exhibition.
As part of the celebrations to commemorate the 1600th anniversary of the foundation of Venice, the State Archives of Padua...
Data in nostro ducali palatio. Relations between Padua and Venice in the ducali of the Padua State Archives
Temporary exhibition.
As part of the celebrations to commemorate the 1600th anniversary of the foundation of Venice, the State Archives of Padua...
Data in nostro ducali palatio.Relations between Padua and Venice in the ducali of the Padua State Archives
Tool for research.
As part of the celebrations to commemorate the 1600th anniversary of the foundation of Venice, the State Archives of Padua...
The Campiello for the 1600th anniversary of the foundation of Venice
This event will be only in Italian language.
Events open to the public to be held in the open air. Authors of the Prize and figures linked to the cultural work will be...
As part of the celebrations for the 1600th anniversary of the mythical foundation of the city, the Guild (Scuola Grande), in collaboration with the...
Panoramic Venice. The discovery of the narrow horizon.
The exhibition revolves around the largest views of Venice ever made, painted in the 1880s by the Venetian painter and decorator, Giovanni Biasin. It is a work of art of just over one and a...