Parco di San Giuliano
Via Orlanda
30173 Mestre VE
Parco San Giuliano, inaugurated in 2004, is a 182 acres urban park that offers the following services: bike rent, play area for kids, 2 bars, a restaurant, a skating track and a soccer field. There is also a big car park that is equipped for cars, motorcycles, coaches, campers, and caravans. The car park has its own restaurant and service area with toilettes and showers, chemical toilet drain point, and car wash.
You can get to the centre of Venice by boat (ACTV Line 25), bus (ACTV Lines 5, 12, 12/, 19, 24) in only 20 minutes.
Venicemarathon 2024
Dopo la 37esima riuscitissima edizione, arriva domenica 27 ottobre 2024 la 38esima!
La 42K, gara internazionale sulla distanza olimpica di Km 42,195, disciplina più classica ed affascinante dell'atletica leggera; una maratona riconosciuta a livello mondiale dalla IAAF e certificata Bronze Label. Si corre su un percorso unico al mondo, dove ogni chilometro è...