
Il mio West

Il Mio West

22 mai 16
Teatro Carlo Goldoni
Paid admission

May 22, 2016 h. 18.30 Pianeta Danza presents "My West", a show where theatre and dance mix to tell a country story about adventure and friendship.


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Immagine tratta dal racconto Il piccolo principe

Not only for kids. Un piccolo principe. L'essenziale è invisibile agli occhi

from 23 jan 16 to 31 jan 16
Centro Culturale Candiani
Paid admission

A little prince
The essential is invisible to the eyes

Sensory journey inspired to the screenplay of Orson Welles, from the novel by Antoine De...

Piccolo Asmodeo

Not only for kids - Piccolo Asmodeo

17 jan 16
Centro Culturale Candiani
Paid admission

Piccolo Asmodeo (Little Asmodeo)
from Teatro Gioco Vita Company – Teatro Stabile di Innovazione.
Taken from the fable of Ulf Stark, winner of the Prize...

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