
M9 Il Museo del Novecento

via Giovanni Pascoli 11 Mestre

The Museum of the 20th Century

M9 belongs to a new generation of museums. For the very first time, a museum narrates the compelling history of the 20th century. A century that saw great and small changes: from evolutions in everyday life to momentous social, economic, environmental and cultural changes. State-of-the-art technologies and immersive displays help visitors learn about the past, understand the present and imagine the future.

Paid admission


Venicemarathon 2024

27 Oktober 2024
Dopo la 37esima riuscitissima edizione, arriva domenica 27 ottobre 2024 la 38esima! 
La 42K, gara internazionale sulla distanza olimpica di Km 42,195, disciplina più classica ed affascinante dell'atletica leggera; una maratona riconosciuta a livello mondiale dalla IAAF e certificata Bronze Label. Si corre su un percorso unico al mondo, dove ogni chilometro è...

Banksy. Painting Walls

23 Februar 2024
Paid admission
Banksy Painting Walls offers visitors the opportunity to delve into the artistic imagination of an author who has been on the worldwide cultural scene for over twenty years and who even in the current war scenarios has intervened with his artistic messages, showing once again his ability to stay in the midst of the present and confirming an artistic path that continues to move...