
Palazzo Fortuny

San Marco 3958
30124 Venice VE

The Museo Fortuny reopens as a permanent exhibition venue. Two years after the ‘Acqua Granda’ flooding seriously damaged the Palazzo Pesaro degli Orfei, Mariano Fortuny’s house museum is set to reopen its doors to the public, following essential conservation work on the ground floor, and the refurbishment of the upper floors. These modifications set in train a historically grounded reorganization of the museum spaces, with the restoration of the rooms devoted to the memory of the brilliant and highly talented Mariano Fortuny. The exhibits included paintings, lighting systems, clothes, fabrics, colours and dyes resulting from the genius of Mariano and Henriette, together with photographic archives and items from the personal collection, documents and patents, and works by artists and friends who came to Venice and lived in and found new light in the palace overlooking Campo San Beneto. The palace will be open all year round with permanent exhibits and will also host temporary shows on contemporary themes. The opening will be an opportunity to present the Panza di Biumo collection of 20th-century international artworks, which are going on public view for the first time. The collection was recently donated to the Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia in memory of one of the most important collectors of the twentieth century.


Once owned by the Pesaro family, this large Gothic palazzo in Campo San Beneto, was transformed by Mariano Fortuny into his own atelier of photography, stage-design, textile-design and painting. The rooms, structures, upholstery and collections corresponding to all these functions have been retained in the building. The Fortuny Museum was donated to the city in 1956 by Henriette, Mariano's widow, and focuses on all disciplines relating to visual communication, following a tradition established over the course of the last two decades, while bringing together the cultural inheritance of his experimentation and innovative curiosity.

The museum is open only during the temporary exhibitions.
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Buy the tickets:

- on line on Venezia Unica website;

- on site by Venezia Unica ticket offices.


Paid admission
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Photo credit: Massimo Listri


Eva Jospin

10 April 2024
Paid admission
Eva Jospin (Parigi, 1975), conclusi gli studi accademici a Parigi nel 2002, è stata pensionnaire all’Académie de France presso Villa Medici a Roma nel 2016-2017. Da sempre la sua ricerca trae ispirazione dalla natura in tutte le sue articolazioni semantiche e visive, vale a dire colta tanto nel suo stato originario quanto nelle molteplici interpretazioni iconografiche e iconologiche che ne sono state...