Saint-Saens in the Salons
- String Quartet no.1
- Piano Quintet
- Paraphrase sur La Mort de...
The Romantic cello
Camille Saint-Saens
- Sonata for cello and piano n. 1
- Souvenir of Ismaïlia
- Suite for violincello and piano
Henri Demarquette...
Piazze Sonore
Nell’ambito delle manifestazioni istituzionali, culturali, sportive, commerciali e di intrattenimento de Le Città in Festa, in programma dal 13 settembre al 30 novembre su tutto il territorio...
Love in other Climes and other Times
Camille Saint-Saens
- La Cendre rouge
- Mélodies persanes
- Trois Vieilles Chansons
- Cinq Poèmes de Ronsard
World Peace Day / Musica per la Pace
In occasione della Giornata Internazionale della Pace istituita nel 1982 dalle Nazioni Unite, l'associazione no-profit Acting Out English Academy (
6° Rassegna organistica 2016
Dagli allievi del Conservatorio di Trieste al grande maestro francese Jean Giullou, il 9 ottobre. Una rassegna di giovani e grandi talenti tutta da seguire.
Stagione concertistica Santa Rita da Cascia - settembre
L’Associazione Grande Organo di S. Rita nel corso dell’anno 2016 intende svolgere le seguenti attività concertistiche che avranno luogo nella Chiesa di S. Rita da Cascia in Via Bellini a Mestre:...
Coro Serenissima - concerto
Concerto di canzoni veneziane a favore delle popolazioni del Centro Italia colpite dal sisma.
L'ingresso è gratuito con offerta libera.
Zelarino sotto le stelle
Musica, spettacoli, spazi di animazione per bambini, intrattenimenti e stand enogastronomici, commerciali e di hobbysti che si stende lungo il tratto di Via Castellana che passa...
Arts'connection 2016 - Glass Festival
Festival that combines art, crafts, fashion, film, literature, music, workshops organized by Associazione di promozione culturale Lillyth in collaboration with the City...
Cycle Camille Saint-Saëns, a musical eclectic - Presentation of the Festival
Concert program
- Excerpts from works by Camille SAINT-SAËNS
EX NOVO 2016
Domenica 11 settembre 2016, ore 18.00
Teatrino di Palazzo Grassi
SIAE Classici di...
23rd Festival Galuppi
From september 11th to october 23rd, it is held, in different places of Venice, the 23rd Festival Galuppi, dedicated to the italian...
Vespro della Beata Vergine (Vespers of the Blessed Virgin)
The Concetto Armonico Association will present in Venice the Vespers of the Blessed Virgin by Claudio Monteverdi at the Basilica di Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari on Thursday September 8,...
Venice Opera World
Domus CILIOTA and Ass. MISTRAL, with this project of advanced tourism marketing of private initiative "no profit", to welcome guests in transit in Venice, intend to give moments of lyrical musical...
Vespri d'organo a San Giorgio Maggiore - settembre 2016
Esecuzioni di musiche organistiche, solistiche e corali da parte di qualificati musicisti, nella cornice di una splendida basilica palladiana.
- 3 settembre - Tomasz Nowak (Polonia) ...
Riviera Fiorita
The second Sunday of September in the Riviera del Brenta the event Riviera Fiorita will take place. A big procession of historical boats with a large...
C. Monteverdi, A. Scarlatti, G.B. Pergolesi, B. Galuppi
Festival Monteverdi Vivaldi 2016
From August to October, from the palaces on the Canal Grande to the villas along the Riveria del Brenta, the Festival Monteverdi Vivaldi becomes metropolitan. A journey through music, art and...
Serata Musicale con i Civico 1064 ( Live Music with the band Civico 1064)
Live music at Pellestrina, Saturday August 27 with the band "Civico 1064". Rock music from 9 pm to midnight. The event is organizes by Forti Murazzi Association.
Festival Show 2016
Italian summer touring festival with many big names of Italian and international music accompanied by the corps de ballet and the orchestra. 8 free events in the Italian squares , plus the special...
Burano Festa in piazza 2016
Saturday August 20th 2016, from 6pm to 22.00pm, Burano island will host several events in B. Galuppi square.
Spritz on boat navigating...
Feast of Saint Roch 2016
Feast day of San Rocco, Patron Saint of the Scuola. Recurrence that combines religious tradition, art and culture. Promoted by ...
LidoMusicAgosto 2016
9° edition of LidoMusicAgosto at the Cloister of San Nicolò, Lido of Venice. Concerts of classic music, jazz and performances that combine theatre and clown performances with music.
COLORmob 2016
- 6 pm registration for the race and distribution of the colored powders
- 7 pm starting of the amateur race
about 5km open to all
about 2.5...
Dorian Gray
Production & Costumes : Pierre Cardin
Author, lyrics and music: Daniele Martini
Artistic director and scenes: Rodrigo Basilicati
Director: Wayne Fowkes
Fiera e Sagra di San Rocco
This historical feast is an unmissable appointment where children can have fun on the rides, everybody can delight at food stands. Children and adults can also play to the lucky...
Silent Party on tour
Would you lit to listen to differents genres during the same night?on Saturday July 30th Campo Santa Margherita hosts the Silent Party
3 Djs will spin at...
Jazz concerts in Campo Santa Margherita
Free jazz concerts in Campo Santa Margherita
Friday July 29th
Nossa Alma Canta
The venetian band plays original songs and covers in...
Venice Music Master (Vernikov, Makarova, Zemtsov, Ketler, Buzlov)
Concert by Venice Music Master
Project Venice Music Master is open to young musicians, conservatory students, professionals, CHAMBER MUSICIANS, teachers and soloists...