particolare della Torre

Clock Tower

Piazza San Marco

The Clock Tower is one of the most famous architectural landmarks in Venice, standing over an arch that leads into what is the main shopping street of the city, the old Merceria. It marks both a juncture and a division between the various architectural components of St. Mark’s Square, which was not only the seat of political and religious power but also a public space and an area of economic activity, a zone that looked out towards the sea and also played a functional role as a hub for the entire layout of the city. In short, the Tower and its large Astronomical Clock, a masterpiece of technology and engineering, form an essential part of the very image of Venice. For more than 500 years, they have measured out the flow of life and history within the city.


Purchase tickets:

- on line Venezia Unica ;

- on site Venezia Unica agencies in Venice.



Admission by booking only

VISIT IN ITALIAN Everyday at 12am and 4.00 pm
VISIT IN ENGLISH Monday to Wednesday: 10.00 am and 11.00 am Thursday to Sunday: 2.00 pm and 3.00 pm
VISITE EN FRANÇAIS Lundi, mardi et mercredi: 14h et 15h Jeudi, vendredi, samedi et dimanche: 10h et 11h


Opening to visitors

from 9.00 am to 5.00pm

closed on 25th December and 1st Jenuary