villa pisani

Villa Pisani

Via Doge Pisani 7
30039 Stra VE

The Pisani noble family's sumptuous villa lies along the Riviera del Brenta, an ideal extension of the Grand Canal of Venice. Its 114 rooms accommodate doges, kings and emperors, while nowadays the villa is a national museum which keeps the original forniture of the XVII and XIX centuries as well as exquisite art masterpieces like The Glory of the Pisani Family by Giambattista Tiepolo, a fresco on the ceiling of the ballroom.

An enthusiatic traveller of the XIX century, while describing the garden of Villa Pisani, wrote: "every step is a new sight and a new beauty". Today, just like yesterday, the garden still charms visitors with its spectacular sceneries, its famous maze, its groves of lemon and orage groves, its greenhouses full of plants and flowers and with "everything which gives pleasure to the sight and gratifies our taste", as boasted Almorò Pisani.


Venicemarathon 2024

27 October 2024
Dopo la 37esima riuscitissima edizione, arriva domenica 27 ottobre 2024 la 38esima! 
La 42K, gara internazionale sulla distanza olimpica di Km 42,195, disciplina più classica ed affascinante dell'atletica leggera; una maratona riconosciuta a livello mondiale dalla IAAF e certificata Bronze Label. Si corre su un percorso unico al mondo, dove ogni chilometro è...